an Internet-Based Treasure Hunt on China
When people think about "The Treasures of China," they usually picture a
beautiful pagoda with golden dragons, or a gleaming statue of the Buddha,
or the Great Wall's winding ribbon. But the true treasure of China is its
complexity. During "The Treasures of China" you will uncover several
aspects that might give you insights on such different things as the
richness of China's cultural heritage, the wealth of its current economic
boom, and the tarnishing that mars China's treatment of some of its people.
The Treasure Hunt will help you find out some details about these issues
and then bring your learning into greater focus by answering a Big
Question: What is the truth about China today? Hint: each Internet link
holds the answer for one question. Good luck!
The Big Question
Your challenge is to come up with an answer to the question: What is the
truth about China today? Consider what you learned about China's past,
its relations with neighboring countries, the state of its economy, and
how it treats its citizens.
The Internet Resources
Last revised February, 2005
Created by Tom March,
tom at ozline dot com
Applications Design Team/Wired Learning