Black History Treasure Hunt

Instructions | The Questions | The Internet Resources | The Big Question

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People all over the United States and the world have posted information on the Internet that relates to Black history and African-American heritage. Read through the questions below and explore the Resource List to find the right information to answer each question. Each Webpage holds the answer to one of the questions. When you think you know the right answer, click in the appropriate radio button - X - to get feedback. (You can also use the original version of this Treasure Hunt that doesn't give feedback).

Because the point of this page is not to take a test, but to learn some important information, we recommend that once you feel you've learned the information that you do one of two things. First, you could print out the Quiz questions and write down the answers from your memory, or second, write an essay about what's important to learn about Black History. To do this second task, we added a section called the Big Question to bring your ideas together in a broader understanding of the topic. This part will guide you through creating an opinion / thesis statement about the most important aspects of Black history. You can use this thesis statement then as the heart of your essay.


  1. In the years before Black History Month began to be celebrated, how often were African Americans lynched?
    every two and a half hours
    every two and a half days
    every two and a half months
    every two and a half years

    check the internet resources?

  2. How many slaves did prominent abolitionist Frederick Douglass estimate there were in the years before the Civil War?
    three thousand
    thirty thousand
    one million
    three million

    check the internet resources?

  3. When the conflict over abolition was ended with the Civil War, what did African-American demonstrators outside the White House say was the one thing more that they needed?
    the right to vote
    the right to protest

    check the internet resources?

  4. Sixty years after the Civil War ended, what federal program helped to preserve the oral histories of people who had been slaves?
    The CIA
    The WPA
    The TVA
    The Library of Congress

    check the internet resources?

  5. Who came before Rosa Parks in protesting the segregation of public transportation?
    Susan B. Anthony
    Frederick Douglass
    Sojourner Truth
    Maya Angelou

    check the internet resources?

  6. What was it that made Nat Turner lead his famous revolt in 1831?
    too many whippings
    having his children sold from him
    a series of visions from Satan
    a series of visions from God

    check the internet resources?

  7. What famous black leader said, "over blacks must be their king, Not white, but of their somber hue, To rule a nation of themselves?"
    Marcus Garvey
    Nelson Mandela
    Martin Luther King, Jr.
    Tupac Shakur

    check the internet resources?

  8. How did Martin Luther King Jr. think negroes should meet the physical force thrown at them by discriminating whites?
    with brute force
    with soul force
    with a negro police force
    with peaceful protests

    check the internet resources?

  9. What were the men at the Million Man March supposed to do right after they took the pledge?
    raise a fist
    contribute to their communities
    hug their brothers
    hug their families

    check the internet resources?

  10. What's the spirit behind the last line of the poem recited at President Clinton's first inauguration?
    patriotism for the U.S.
    confidence in President Clinton
    respect for our government
    optimism for new beginnings

    check the internet resources?

  11. Describe two habits of Nelson Mandela that show his serious dedication to achieving his goals.
    an eating regime and exercise
    praying and Bible reading
    weekly fasts and long walks
    enjoying poetry and music

    check the internet resources?

  12. Who knew by the age of 10 that he wanted to be a revolutionary?
    Marcus Garvey
    Nelson Mandela
    Martin Luther King, Jr.
    Tupac Shakur

    check the internet resources?

Internet Resource List

The Big Question

Think over the questions above, the answers to them, and other things you've learned while exploring the Websites. Then put all this learning together by creating a thesis statement that points out the most important aspects of African-American history. What you're trying to convince people about is out of all the aspects of African-American history, what you're suggesting are the three most important.

Use the fields below and the "Build a Thesis" button to create your own "Report of Information" thesis statement. Feel free to return to this page to adjust your wording, then click the button again to revise the Thesis window.

Note: Don't worry about adding punctuation,
ThesisBuilder will do its best to put it in for you.
What's your name?

What's an important aspect of African-American history?

What's a second important aspect of African-American history?

What's the most important aspect of African-American history?

What's a possible title for your Essay?

Patchwork of Africa American Life
Return to the Main Page

Created January, 1996. Last revised February, 2005
Created by Tom March, tom at ozline dot com
Applications Design Team/Wired Learning